Wednesday 5 February 2014

Experiences of Youth and Childhood

The Experiences of Youth and Childhood

 How do the experiences of youth and childhood provide a foundation for life? How do the experiences of childhood and youth affect our development--mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually? 

Write a short paragraph in which you answer this question.You can share an example from childhood. You can elaborate on how each of the types of development is impacted. You can provide hypothetical instances.


  1. As we grow up we learn a lot of different lessons, some of which stick with us throughout our lives. Our parents, teachers and mentors teach us the basic "rules" of life and we do our best everyday to follow them. As we are children we go through hardships with friends, school and little things that develop us into the people that we grow up to be. In the Bible it says, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." This shows us that what we are taught from a young age is what remains with us. Experiences in our childhood will always have an impact on us whether positive or negative. If we go through something that is very traumatic, chances are we will have issues in our life as we are trying to get past this event. All the positive experiences we have also have effects on us which can shape us into being cheerful, kind, and a good person. Regarding spirituality, growing up in a Christian home always helps. From experience, I know that with all the temptations I see in my generation today, If I wouldn't have grown up as a Christian I wouldn't have been on a good path currently. I am very thankful for everyone I have had in my life as I have grown up who have helped shape me into the person I am today.
    - S.S

  2. I sincerely believe that the experiences we are put through as a child will be carried with us throughout all of our life. Our childhood experiences and actions are valuable whether bad or good in shaping the person that we are to be one day. A quote from Christopher Morley says, "We call a child's mind small simply by habit; perhaps it is larger than ours is, for it can take in almost anything without effort." The mind of a child can be shaped and molded by the circumstance that it is influenced by. It is vital to provide a good foundation for life by raising children with good morals and education. The mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual paths that we are guided down as children, and that we ourselves will one day guide our children down are of great importance; for the people that we become and for the society that we raise. As a child I was always influenced by my parents. I admired since even before I could read or write the strong minds and opinions of my parents; I always admired their love and appreciation of education and wisdom. Throughout my childhood I was taught of the importance of having a strong mind and I believe that this will be a teaching that I will carry with me to the day I die. I am truly grateful for the experiences that I have gone through as a child to shape the person that I am today. A person that one day I hope will make the people around me proud.

    1. This is an incredibly thoughtful response to the question. The quotation you incorporated into your response really made me think about the mind of a child. It is quite mature for you to be able to value your parents' strengths at your age.

  3. When we are little children and as we grow, we learn by doing the wrong things. as well as our parents teach us the proper way to condone ourselves. So by the time we are adults we know what is right and what is wrong. No one is perfect but if you live your life to the fullest and follow the teachings of the Bible as well as possible, God will have great gifts for us in heaven!!!!

    1. You're highlighting the degree to which one's value system is formed during childhood. Keep this in mind as we continue to look at our texts in this unit.

  4. how children are raised and taught and what experiences they have will affect their life further on. if you abuse the child, let the child see violence and bloody fights right in from on him/her then the effect will be bad. the kid will grow up and be different than if he/she was shown love and compaction.
    Around the age of three a child is taking in on what the world is, he/she decides their view on the world so far, if you corrupt that the child may never really feel safe. As a teen, our minds are completely different, our frontal lobe isn't completely developed, so we don't think ahead of what the consequences will be for our actions, having a bad childhood will make it worse, we'll be pushed to being over dramatic, but to teens, that's just how our brain works, and hopefully sooner rather than later our brain will be done developing.
    My parents worked hard as parents with me and my siblings when we were young so now we're much easier to handle as teenagers.

    1. It sounds like you have studying some child psychology. You emphasize the formation of worldview in childhood. I think this is quite true. Think about this as we look at more texts. See how the younger characters' worldviews are impacted by their societies, family members, friends, and so on.

  5. well I think that the experiences we face when we are children build up a foundation because it determines what we are going to grow to be like and decisions we are going to make ect. As well when we are growing up the kind of experiences we face will effect us either negatively or positively. that's where good parenting comes in your parents are a huge part of guiding you in the right direction spiritually and mentally and physically.

    1. It would be good if you could elaborate further on what you mean by a foundation. I just need you to explain more clearly what that foundation looks like. Refer to some of the other comments. Maybe you can echo some of what they have said.

  6. When we are children the experiences we have shape us for example if a kid grows up with the constant feeling of being let down by their parents they probably wont grow up to expect much from others who love them.

    1. This is a good example. Perhaps, if we read about Jing-Mei as an adult, we'd discover that she experiences what you describe here. Some of our other stories may offer insight into this phenomenon. Try to elaborate more on the way that the experiences shape us.

  7. How we as children of Christ, build a foundation around the Lord to teach us and help us as little children to make the right choses so that we will never stumble. If we have faith like a little child we will inherit the kingdom of God. When we grow up and turn into teens the evil one will attack us more and more, our parents, teachers, friends and Jesus Christ will help us over come the Evil one.

  8. The experiences we face as children and how we handle them or how we are taught to handle them is how we will (handle them), later in life. It is important for our parents/ guardians to lay down a correct path for us at a young age and as we become more mature it is our responsibility to learn from our mistakes and also even the mistakes of others! I feel it is also important as youth to go to plenty of faith building events to help grow stronger in faith.

    1. You're saying that childhood is the testing ground where we can learn and make mistakes so that in adulthood, hopefully, we will have more tools and strategies to get it right. I think this is an interesting way to look at it.

  9. I believe that our childhood experiences have the ability to shape the person we are to become. Though I do not think that these experiences are certain to effect a child negatively or positively, it is the way we are taught as children to approach and react in certain experiences that is more of the basis of how we as a person develop. One can go through traumatic events as a child such as abuse, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally and take that experience with guidance of a parent, mentor, pastor, counsellor or another knowledgable adult to overcome that experience and make it shape you into the person you want to be, and not let it effect you negatively. That is where parenting comes into play and the way in which your parents raise you. Parenting is crucial to a child's development, it lays the foundation of their faith, their sense of self worth, and knowledge of who they are as a child of God.

  10. I believe that everything we have been through, everything that has been done for us, bad experiences, relationships etc, shapes our decisions and who we become. So basically, we shape our own life with choices that we make.

    1. Everything shapes us, but we choose how it shapes us is basically what you're saying, right? I agree.

  11. Two verses that, I think, are essential to a kids development are Hebrews 12:11 Proverbs 22:6
    Hebrews 12:11 says "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it"
    A child needs proper discipline, everyone does. But if a child doesn't get the right amount of discipline, they won't know right from wrong and they will live their life not knowing other wise, thinking what they do is okay, and possibly teach the same things to their own kids .
    Psalms 22:6 is another key verse , it says "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it"
    We need to lay down a correct and good path for our kids to follow and with God's help, they will not stray off that path.

  12. Is it only discipline that plays a role in the development of a child?

  13. Because from experiences as a child you copy the people around especially older people. Therefore the people who you look up to, will end up shaping a lot of your actions/habits/way of life. Physically they could affect your diet and exercise. Emotionally you learn to deal with problems the way that they deal with them, if they have severe murderous intentions, you will end up with that, if they have insane abuse problems, you will also have those!

  14. As a child we learn a lot of valuable of things, these things are taught as small concepts but then develop into life values as we grow up. For example, I am now beginning to learn pre-calculas in math and would give anything to be able to just do grade one math again. It's so easy now, but at one point it must have been difficult and i wonder where would i be if i hadn't learnt the basic math skills back in elementary. As a child we are taught that being honest is the right thing to be. When we get older we learn how much trouble we can get into by lying or gossiping. The things we are taught, and experience as a child mold us into the person we will become. A child who is encouraged and told that if he believes he can he will succeed, surely will become a person who knows determination and the values of working hard. Whereas a child who is never encouraged and told is told that he is stupid, will not be one to likely accomplish much because of the words he was told as a child.
